presented by AIP Certified Coaches
This features panelists who are based in Europe and the UK and will be held live at 1:00PM GMT.
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Sleep is essential for everyone, but it plays a particularly crucial role for people with autoimmune diseases and is a key component of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).
Here are some reasons why:
Immune Function Regulation: Sleep helps regulate the immune system. When a person with an autoimmune disease sleeps, their body has a chance to repair and regulate immune function. Chronic sleep deprivation can impair the immune system's ability to function properly, potentially making autoimmune symptoms worse or triggering flare-ups.
Inflammation Control: Sleep helps control inflammation in the body, which is a key factor in many autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis). Poor sleep or lack of sleep can increase inflammation, which can exacerbate autoimmune symptoms and disease progression.
Cell Repair and Tissue Regeneration: During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate tissues, which can be particularly important for people with autoimmune diseases, as many conditions involve damage to tissues and organs. Quality sleep supports the body’s healing processes.
Stress Reduction: Sleep helps reduce stress by balancing hormones like cortisol. Chronic stress can negatively affect autoimmune disease management, so proper rest is essential in managing the stress response and keeping inflammation under control.
Mental Health: Autoimmune diseases often have mental health effects, including depression and anxiety, which can be worsened by lack of sleep. Adequate rest helps support emotional well-being and mental clarity, which is important in managing the emotional impact of chronic illness.
Chronic Fatigue: Many autoimmune conditions are associated with fatigue. Getting enough sleep helps manage this fatigue, improving overall quality of life and providing more energy for daily activities.
But actually getting adequate and quality sleep can be difficult for people with autoimmune disease. Pain and inflammation can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night, symptoms like night sweats or digestive upset can disrupt sleep, daytime fatigue can cause a vicious cycle of being exhausted but unable to get restful sleep at night, the emotional toll of living with chronic illness can lead to racing thoughts and worries that interfere with relaxation and sleep, and some medications used to treat autoimmune diseases can cause insomnia.
Given all these challenges, people with autoimmune diseases may need to be especially proactive in managing their sleep.... and AIP Certified Coaches can help!
Reserve your seat at this free webinar today and let us know what questions you hope the panel will answer. If you can't attend live, we'll send you the recording link.
Jaime Hartman is the founder of the AIP Summit and co-lead teacher of the AIP Certified Coach Practitioner Training Program. She has been a leader in the AIP community since 2013, when she began a blog called Gutsy By Nature to chronicle her experiences using the protocol to improve her own health and quality of life with severe post-surgical inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
A former teacher, curriculum consultant, and publishing industry account executive, Jaime is now a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and provides nutrition-focused health coaching and nutritional therapy via a virtual practice.
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